The President’s desk


I am Miss Chiara Congedo, international president of “Association Bambino Uganda”, a non profit organization, born from the spiritual intuition of Fr. John Bosco Odongo, CM. Fr. John, we, the members of the board of directors of Bambino Uganda internationally and in Uganda as a nation, working as a team, and all the children you helped together with their parents, request you to continue supporting us spiritually through your prayers and pieces of advice and spiritual direction for years to come, so that our desire to share hope, mercy and compassion with the needy children and all the needy that God will bring to us may be fulfilled.

Through education, health care, the improvement of the living conditions of their parents or of those who take care of them. We pray that God my protect you to continue opening the eyes of many other people you meet in order to find the meaning of their lives as you have done to Loro village, Uganda. We will always be grateful to you for the spiritual and educational support you offered to the needy children, boys, girls and the adults who came your way, your availability and openness to listen to our needs and direct us accordingly. We continue to thank you for having challenged us to be united as a team (in Uganda and internationally (Italy and Germany) in order to be able to support our vulnerable and needy people in loro town council.

We are grateful to you in a special way since you have been able to introduce us to many of your friends who are now our great collaborators as we do our best to give hope to the needy at Loro, Uganda. Bambino Uganda give thanks to the parents and guardians who are helping us to journey with the needy children on their journey of life so that they may have a better future. To our friends, please help us help the needy. Change one life, change the entire world.


On behalf of Bambino Uganda national and international:

Chiara Congedo
International president

Josephine Abok
National president (Uganda)


  • Fr. John Bosco Odongo CM

    Thank you so much. I only did what I thought the Lord called us to do. May God bless you all. Continue to support the needy. God will bless u. For God has a special place for the poor in his heart

  • Fr Tibz James

    Dear Director and Board Members, this is a great initiative that you have undertaken. Many young people especially in Uganda are suffering untold problems; and yet they cannot find spiritual and material assistance. I am sure that LORO in Lira district is part of the greater Northern Uganda that suffered the terrible effects of the Kony civil war that lasted for decades. Millions of people died, leaving behind orphans who cannot support themselves. Hence, at the moment, thousands of vulnerable children cannot afford tuition, health care and basic needs of life. It is only people with the love and mercy of God that can extend a helping hand. Therefore, we just need to help them together. I commend so much the efforts made by Fr John Bosco Odongo, together with all the friends in Italy and other partners in development. While inviting all those interested to help the suffering needy children, I for one, would like to be part of this great development agenda, so that together with can bring joy and hope to the neglected and disadvantaged poor children in LORO, Uganda. Long live miserocordiadicrissto.

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